There is a relationship between the meat and dairy based diet and disease. Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the developed world. Diabetes is skyrocketing in the developing world. Heart disease, diabetes and cancer are all linked to the meat and dairy based diet. As a result of development, the former healthful vegetable, rice and beans diet is being replaced by the meat and dairy based diet causing skyrocketing incidence of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and antibiotic resistance.

The compassionate vegan diet can prevent heart disease, the developed world’s leading cause of death of both men and women, diabetes, cancer, antibiotic resistance and pandemic diseases. More disease results from the meat and dairy based diet because it is more susceptible to contamination, and overuse of antibiotics in animals raised for food causes antibiotic resistance in people. The plant based diet is the most affordable and most healthful diet available, which is especially important in the developing world.

According to WHO, one of the greatest threats to international health security arises from outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases. One of the factors fueling these outbreaks is the way food is produced and traded, and the way antibiotics are used and misused. The World Health Organization has declared this to be one of the greatest threats to global health. According to WHO Director General Margaret Chan, “A post-antibiotic era means an end to modern medicine as we know it. Things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill.” According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, there are an estimated 2 million drug-resistant infections that occur each year with a staggering 23,000 deaths. Animals raised for food are routinely given antibiotics in their feed and water. This is done to stimulate growth while simultaneously enabling stressed animals to survive in the disease ridden conditions on factory farms.

Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease by Sharon Wallenberg

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States today. Heart Disease results when the coronary arteries which bring blood and oxygen to the heart start to narrow, pinching off blood flow and threatening the viability of the heart. Arteries narrow due to the growth of small raised areas – little bumps – on the inside of arteries. These bumps are called plaques and are composed of cholesterol, fat, and cells over growing from the artery’s muscle layer. These plaques start forming in young adulthood – even in childhood. Fortunately, a vegan diet has been proven to prevent and reverse heart disease.. Read more

Preventing, Controlling and Reversing Diabetes by Sharon Wallenberg

Worldwide about 200 million people have diabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when someone has an unusually high level of glucose in their blood, experiences fatigue, is losing water rapidly, and has excessive thirst. (Read More)

Preventing and Treating Cancer by Sharon Wallenberg

Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death in the developed world. Cancer starts deep within the cells of the body. In the cell, thousands of biological and chemical interactions occur every second. Each cell works hard to control the use of oxygen and various nutrients, communicate messages, create new substances, and build new cells. The trillions of cells in the body communicate, remove potentially toxic substances, repair injured cells, and prevent cells with damaged genetic material from reproducing. Cancer begins when something goes wrong in a cell. (Read More)


As the U. S. Congress scrambled to pass a funding bill to prevent another government shutdown, a well-heeled set of operatives was hard at work behind the scenes, ensuring that our government ramps up subsidies for a cruel, wasteful and irresponsible industry: factory-farming dairy production. (Read More)

Farm to Hospital: How the Way We Farm Makes Us Sick by Ron Weiss, M.D.

Given the recent turn of events, it is unclear whether the U.S. Affordable Care Act really has been given a reprieve, or whether millions still risk losing their current health insurance benefits. Regardless, it is critical for the politicians in Washington to understand that the primary cause of America’s health care crisis is not a lack of health insurance. It is not rising drug costs or insufficient access to primary care medicine. It is federal agriculture policy. (Read More)

Meat and Cancer by Michael Klaper, M.D.

In October (2015), 22 scientists from 10 countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France to evaluate the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat. (Read More)

There are a plethora of compassionate choices available for those who care about their own health, and the well-being of our fellow travelers on spaceship Earth. There are plant milks: soy, almond and coconut; non- dairy frozen desserts, meat substitutes like meatless meatballs, chic’kn cutlets, crabless cakes, and many more. There is even delicious non-bacon. Holidays can be festive with cruelty free, and delicious tofurky.